As a Savannah-based and woman-owned business, Greenline is privileged at the honor to have been chosen to renovate and enhance the Savannah treasure that is the Juliette Gordon Low Birthplace.
The Savannah Historic District Board of Review (HDBR) approved plans to renovate the birthplace, a design that will ultimately bolster, protect and rejuvenate the site, and ensure its continued importance and relevance to the Savannah community and the Girl Scouts Movement. The Juliette Gordon Low Birthplace is the spiritual home of the Girl Scouts, where their visionary founder Juliette Gordon Low was born and lived much of her life.
The HDBR approval demonstrates the shared commitment of Girl Scouts and the Savannah community to honor the legacy of Juliette, preserve her past and ensure an inclusive and engaging experience for girls and visitors from all over the world.
Patti Lyons, Birthplace Advisory Committee Member and Girl Scouts of Historic Georgia former board chair spoke during the November meeting:
"We are working with a broadly talented group, which includes many exceptional female leaders, to honor the spirit of Juliette Gordon Low throughout this renovation project,” Lyons said. “These updates are for girls everywhere, drawing inspiration and expertise from women of today just like I imagine Juliette Gordon Low would love."
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